Saturday, 19 May 2012

Progress Report

Emergency weeding tackled and 2 x Liatris [gayfeathers] plus 1 x Dipsacus [teasel] added in. The Hollyhocks are monstrous - and really need thinning out and tackling with secateurs. I yanked off some particularly rusty leaves to let some light return to Euphorbia Wulfennii. Meanwhile the Geranium Johnson's Blue are in flower! As is some kind of oriental poppy [orange] and the Aquilegia [white and pink]. Thus it does look like a garden, even if it is one highly vulnerable to dryness [yes even now] and cooch grass [sp?]. The Sisirynchiums are all producing flower spikes even though they are small plants, probably desperate to get out that flower, and the mystery Euphorbia is out looking splendidly exotic. Photos not really up to par - taken quickly on a cameraphone and the weather is overcast...


Unknown said...

brilliant work. as someone who appreciates gardens rather than one who both creates and appreciates, it is a much loved salve to a tough little south london patch. v cool.

chefsolaire said...

Been gardening bottom Stories Mews - working my way from bottom to top (between Camberwell Grove and Grove Lane) - still some good spaces at the top. Nick

Lake said...

chefsolaire - there seems to be no way to reply directly and your website doesnt seem to be live - but great to meet you today and let's keep in touch. Did you mean that raised tree pit at the end of stories mews as a potential site? I've had my eye on it for months. Its ideal, if rather baked hard at the moment. I'll keep your sites in mind with my plants supplies and maybe we can get that tree pit in shape. More anon.