Sunday, 3 June 2012

On the dole

One of our cats, Finn the Mighty, has been very sick [90% better now] and the vet suggested something in our garden may be the culprit [shock and horror - we have no lilies and no foxgloves for that very reason]. J found out that annual cornflowers [Centaurea Cyanus] are toxic for cats - and thus, alas, I pulled all 6 of them out. They have gone to the raised bed next to Camberwell Green Job Centre, along with 1 x Solidago, 1 x bronze fennel, 2 x shasta daisies and 1 x helio-something [yellow perennial sunflowerish thing]. I cleared up 2 bags of detritus and weeds to fit them in, and the soil is very poor... [any donations gratefully accepted]. luckily my lovely neighbour N joined me in watering them with liquid feed so maybe they will all take. Passed by on the 12 later that day and no one has taken them. Photos to follow.


chefsolaire said...

Hi Lake

Assuming it was you who planted some stuff in Stories mews - thanks. I watered sat evening

This my lazy website

Another person in St M keen to have a go at digging out St M / Dog kennel Hill junction. There's a second smaler one at top of the mews. I'm back on wed - and on half term - but back off to France on Sunday


Lake said...

not me! - a rogue guerrilla...
when you're back from france then

chefsolaire said...

How about some time on saturday? Off to France again first thing on Sunday. Have a bag of Lidd compost (40 L) and some soil (= clay!) . My next batch of compost not ready. Have also got some (very small) stocks, 2 inch sunflowers. Coudl dig up soem rose campion from the mews.Nick

chefsolaire said...

shoudl also have said fellow guerrila lives at top of mews who said she was interested . Have spade

Lake said...

i'm away all this weekend alas, could do next saturday morning or next sunday...

chefsolaire said...

I can do next Sunday 17 june - either morning or afternoon - is either better for you?

and could shove a few leaflets round stories mews - might get some help - or compost. I have 40 L bag - but pretty low on plants - save small lupin / stocks / few sunflowers.

I have tried to register on GG website - but waiting to be approved - might it be worth putting a time - at open gardens Rosey (I think) came and she probably planted the things if you didn't. I can't post there

If more than a few trun up we could do the bed at the top of Stories mews as well.

If Sunday OK let me know a time and can shove a few leaflets in doors - but off first thing tomorrow and back on Wed so best to do it now if poss. Appreciate you might not read this though!


Lake said...

hi nick
lets say sunday 11am - I can donate plants. The council struggel to recognise echinops and teasels as anything but weeds but they are great bee plants. My friend that you met at the open gardens may well come too.
compost would be a bonus. That pit might well be diggable now given the rain...

chefsolaire said...

excellent - will try and get some donations of compost...


chefsolaire said...

see you tomorrow at 11.00 Nick

Lake said...

yes, I havent forgotten - possibly just me but I do have plants - you'll have tools right? an internet gardener contact may also turn up [Paulina]
see you by the pit!

chefsolaire said...

spade / fork / trowel

40 litres of peat n a bag

some (really) small sunflowers / lupins / stock